Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So What the hell is this Blog About Anways?

So you are probably like me, wondering what the hell bioidentical hormone therapy is all about. Is it for me? Is it safe? Why hasn't my doctor told me about this? Why don't more women tell their stories online about it?

Bioidentical hormone therapy is new to everyone, even Oprah! I mean, it's so new that my spell check insists on correcting "bioidentical" and doesn't even have a spelling suggestion for it! :)

Well I am a 25 year old girl with stage 3 adrenal fatigue and some other gut problems that I will be learning/ writing more about. If you were to meet me you would think "she looks normal and healthy" but you wouldn't know that I had skipped my period for 3 years, and upon getting my period back dealt with an onslaught of hormones which kicked my ass so thoroughly that in 2 months it left me 25 lbs heavier and severely exhausted.

Needless to say I went to my doctor and then an endocrinologist, both of whom said my hormones were "normal" and then pushed a birth control pill on me. I told them that synthetic hormones didn’t work well with me and they just weren't hearing it. Suddenly my D.A.R.E. anti drug training came in handy and I thought of creative ways to "just say no". For a few months I managed to improve a bit and loose 1/2 the weight but I was nowhere near the girl I used to be. I was frustrated, angry, and just sick of being this way.

Then I met S. S is a guy who I thank God for every day. He is a pioneer into the world of holistic healing based on science. No hocus pocus “cleansings” here; he uses labs and hard fact to help people like me because he has seen the failings of our western medical model. For example adrenal fatigue is often avoidable with bioidentical hormone therapy, yet most doctors don't recognize it because there is no insurance code for it. So unless you are at late stage 3 adrenal fatigue and have Addison's disease, (aka your adrenals just failed) western medicine considers you "normal." Great.

So this where I will write about my journey so that other women can compare notes and maybe learn a little from my story. With such little information out there I thought I’d add my 2 cents. I know most women who are considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are menopausal, yet many I’m sure are not. I just finished having my hormones tested and I just received my DHEA, Progest, and Pregnenolone hormones. I’m gonna start with the DHEA hormone therapy first and will update on that soon. I’m so excited about these and the fact that I finally am getting help and relief I can’t put it into words.

So, seriously, like Oprah said “let’s start the conversation!”

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